NYSEIA Unique in New York
There is only one trade association in New York State which is dedicated to supporting and advancing the solar energy industry, and that is the NYSEIA- New York Solar Energy Industries Association. Created and launched in 1994, since then membership has grown to include the following companies and organizations:
• Manufacturers, component suppliers and distributors of Photovoltaic and solar thermal technologies.
• Companies that install PV and solar water space heating
• Lawyers, engineers and architects which support and serve the solar energy industry
• Energy companies and utilities
• Representatives of government and non-profit agencies which are involved in solar energy training, research and education
• Organizations who are dedicated to furthering the market for solar energy in New York
What is NYSEIA All About?
The mandate of NYSEIA is to first and foremost educate all that determine public policy on energy issues in New York, including:
• The public
• Law makers
• Policy makers
• Regulators
These groups can help determine the dire
ction in which important issues, such as environment, economic development and energy supply will be impacted and which will impact the use of solar energy.